In May I managed to pen my first article on Medium, which is an awesome platform for writing and sharing your writing with others, along with an article on the Bam Creative blog, and an article on the 6Q blog. Click the headlines below, to read the entire article.

How a few small landing page tweaks created five times the conversions
I love conversion rate optimisation. There, I said it. As a traditionally trained designer, coupled with a slight maths geek bent, the work of how to greatly increase responses due to minor changes in copy and layout really appeals to me. I’d go so far as saying it’s exciting.

Announcing our Employee Engagement Survey
Those of you, whom know the ethos and team at Bam Creative reasonably well, know that we are very driven by our company values and work hard at creating an environment of innovation and constant improvement and reflection. This goes a long way towards our goal of having a very high employee engagement level at any time.

5 great reasons why your annual employee survey sucks
Employee surveys are a very powerful tool. They help create dialogue, they can unveil issues within the workplace and surveys make respondents feel ‘heard’. So why do annual employee surveys suck? Read on.

So, three articles in three different platforms. No wonder I tend to neglect this blog!

Sharing is caring!