I’m subscribed to a squillion different email newsletters; so much so, that I have rules set up to move them directly to another folder, to avoid cluttering my inbox. There are, though, four Australian newsletters I receive, that I regularly open and enjoy.

The four Australian newsletters are…

Ideas Hoist
Frequency: Weekly (Fridays)
Sign up: https://www.ideashoist.com.au

Steve does a great job of interviewing people within the Australian startup scene on the website, Ideas Hoist. The weekly email contains the latest articles from there, as well as other interesting startup and innovation related articles he has come across.
Note: I have written for Ideas Hoist before, however receive no benefit for this mention.

Startup News
Frequency: Weekly (Fridays)
Sign up: https://startupnews.com.au

This weekly email arrives every Friday afternoon, and features links from all the articles published on Startup News that week. This is usually around 5-10 articles.
Note: I am a Producer of Startup News, however receive no benefit for this mention.

Startup Soda
Frequency: Daily
Sign up: https://www.startupsoda.com.au

Startup Soda is a creation of Paul Towers, and provides a daily hand-curated email of the best news, blog posts and tactical resources from Australian Startups, Founders and VC’s.

Paul Bennetts’ Newsbot
Frequency: Daily
Sign up: https://paulbennetts.co/newsbot/

Paul Bennetts is a VC at AirTree Ventures in Sydney, and has a daily email digest which grabs the headlines from a bunch of global and Australian sources, and puts it an easy to scan list.

There you go; four Australian newsletters chock full of great startup articles and news, that are worth having arrive in your inbox. Know any other email newsletters worthy of subscribing to? Let me know!

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