Happy birthday to my blog. Exactly 365 days and 83 posts later (yes, an average of 4.4 days), I have achieved my promise of blogging for a year, after a number of fruitless starts in the few years prior to this time last year.

It’s been a fun ride. After initial hesitations of topic searching, I think I have found my voice. It could be summarised as rants about web design and development, lists of human resources and small business tips, social commentary and a mix of humour and personal posts thrown in for well roundedness.

Some posts have been quick to write and publish, others have gestated for weeks as an idea before pen to paper or keyboard to WordPress, I have had weeks of silence, followed by days of posts every day, however I am fairly happy with the end results.

A HUGE thanks to you, the reader, who without your involvement simply incrementing my stats, commenting on posts that have caught your eye, linking to my blog or sending me an email, I probably would have assumed no-one was reading or caring, and stopped months ago.

Thanks also to my wife and family, who have put up with my ‘additional to heavy workload’ hobbies, and to those who have given me advice, kept me motivated or simply wrote comments to my posts which inspired me to continue.

Roll on the next twelve months!

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