Me speaking at we05

Yes, that’s right – that’s me. I was extremely honoured to be asked to introduce two amazing speakers; Molly Holzschlag and Eric Meyer. Yes, that Molly and that Eric! Nevermind the fact my voice was quavering like I was being tortured, and I was nervous as hell, it was an extreme honour to have gotten up there and done my thing.

I wouldn’t expect anyone to ever invite me back though, but anyhow.

The second day was also amazing. I’m thinking Jeff Veen would have to steal the show, however I reckon all of the speakers I saw were amazing…it’s hard to find web geeks who can string sentences together in front of 20 people. let alone charismatic speakers who can talk in front of 400! And they also do ‘real work’ to boot!

If I could be half as clever, half as passionate, or quarter the public speaking ability of anyone from today, I would be one happy individual.

I haven’t even mentioned the evenings festivities, hanging with Tantek & Amber whilst talking US politics, going to some dodgy loud club in Kings Cross with Eric, Douglas, Derek and others. Wow.

Photo: Miles Burke speaking at Web Essentials 05.

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