Startups, digital marketing, small business & more.

Tag twitter

My Latest (Old) Side Project Promoting Perth Startups

At the start of 2017, I promised myself to spend this year launching four different side projects. One every quarter. I’ve got three other side projects part ready, and which I am still running, however for this quarter I’ve… Continue Reading →

Update on Micro News Service Startup Perth [20 Months]

Since way back in August 2015, I’ve been running what I call a ‘micro news service’ on Twitter, called Startup Perth. Whilst it has a single page website, all the activity happens on the Twitter account. It was started to… Continue Reading →

50 Australian Startup Twitter Accounts Worth Following

Twitter is a great place to share, network and interact with people in all areas of the startup community. Accounts such as my @StartupPerth regularly share interesting links and news for startup founders. Both seasoned and beginner Twitter users alike… Continue Reading →

Promoting Perth Startups

I started a Twitter account, @StartupPerth, back in August of this year, after much thinking in the months prior. The issue for many early stage startups, both in Perth and afar, is getting some traction generally, but also traction for… Continue Reading →

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