Outbound links

I typically link to other articles and resources that I find, if I feel they add value to my content and may help you with the topic. I don’t charge for these links, and never will.

I link to a specific page content, because at the time of publishing, i believe in it. That page may change over time, and I may be unaware.

Affiliate links

I may, at times, link to products that I have personally used and recommend, using their affiliate links.

I will only use affiliate links, if;

  1. The cost of their product or service using that link is the same, or less than a direct link.
  2. I absolutely believe in the product or service.

Typically, this means I may get some form of credit for future use of their products. It certainly doesn’t make me roll in cash, although wouldn’t that be awesome?

If you notice I have used an affiliate link, and you aren’t keen to click it (it costs you nothing, and it may give me a freebie, so please do!) then you are welcome to search for the product or service name, and sign up directly.